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Erectile Dysfunction

only $117/m

There is nothing more discouraging than not achieving what you desire, and erectile dysfunction can hinder the progress of intimacy. Our specialized approach focuses on addressing both the root of the problem and the symptoms to improve your performance.

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Erectile Dysfunction

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), commonly referred to as impotence, occurs when individuals are unable to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfying sexual intercourse for both partners. While occasional occurrences of ED are common among adult males, up to 30 million American men experience it regularly. Fortunately, the vast majority of men who seek treatment for ED report experiencing some degree of relief.

Erectile Dysfunction Causes

Previously, physicians often attributed erectile dysfunction to psychological issues or, in the case of older men, to aging. However, contemporary medical understanding has evolved. Although arousal may take longer as one ages, persistent erectile dysfunction warrants medical evaluation. Furthermore, psychological factors typically play a minor role. Urologists now posit that physical conditions predominantly underlie enduring cases of erectile dysfunction in men aged 50 and above.

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Erectile Dysfunction In Older Men

Erectile dysfunction in older men

Erections primarily rely on the functionality of blood vessels, and in older men, the most prevalent causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) are conditions that impede blood flow to the penis. These conditions often involve arterial hardening (atherosclerosis) and diabetes. Additionally, a malfunctioning vein that allows rapid blood drainage from the penis can also be a contributing factor. Other disorders, hormonal imbalances, and certain medical procedures can also lead to ED.

The intricate blood vessel processes crucial for achieving an erection are regulated by the nervous system. Certain medications have the potential to disrupt the nerve signals necessary for initiating an erection. These medications encompass various categories such as stimulants, sedatives, diuretics, and antihistamines, as well as drugs used to manage high blood pressure, cancer, or depression. However, it’s important never to discontinue medication without consulting your doctor. Furthermore, substances like alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, such as marijuana, may also exacerbate ED.

Erectile dysfunction in younger men

In younger men, psychological issues often underlie erectile dysfunction (ED). Lack of effective communication with one’s partner or disparities in sexual preferences can precipitate tension and anxiety, contributing to the problem. Additionally, ED may be associated with these factors: 

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Stress
  • Feeling that you’re not good enough
  • Sexual fears
  • Rejection by your parents or peers
  • Childhood sexual abuse
Erectile Dysfunction In Younger Men
Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

The manifestations of erectile dysfunction can differ among individuals. If you’re experiencing ED, you may:

  • Be unable to get an erection at all
  • Get an erection sometimes
  • Have trouble keeping an erection long enough for sex
  • Lack of desire for sex

Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis

When consulting a doctor for symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED), they will endeavor to determine if there are underlying health conditions contributing to the issue. They will inquire about your medical history, including details about your sexual activity. Possible inquiries may include:

  • A physical Test
  • Blood and pee tests
  • A mental health exam
  • An ultrasound.
Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosis

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

El enfoque para abordar su disfunción eréctil (DE) depende de su causa subyacente y de las preferencias tanto de usted como de su pareja con respecto a la solución más eficaz. Su médico le ayudará a tomar esta decisión. Las opciones de tratamiento abarcan:

  • Medicamentos
  • Cambios en el estilo de vida
  • Asesoramiento
  • Dispositivo de vacío
  • Cirugía

Easy as 1 – 2 – 3

Apex Health makes it easy to get started with our $177 per month, no insurance required, Erectile Dysfunction program!


Medical Forms

Complete a simple online medical form telling your clinician about your health and prior Erectile Dysfunction attempts.


Telehealth Visit

Speak to your new clinician who can help you to reduce your problem with Erectile Dysfunction, if appropriate.


Receive Medicine

Receive your regularly scheduled medication in the mail straight from the pharmacy.

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